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Video has become a ubiquitous part of our daily lives in recent years. Watching series and movies on streaming platforms, the occurrences of friends on TikTok and video conferences at work, video is now a very important part of our daily lives, so much so that Cisco projects that video will represent 79% of all traffic of the Internet by 2022.
Live video is becoming the new norm, and that’s no exaggeration – the industry streamed more than 1.2 billion hours of live video in 2019, according to a report by StreamElements. This trend accelerated further in 2020, as Forbes reported that social distancing measures have boosted live broadcasts by at least 12% and overall internet use by 70% as we spend more time at home.
Companies are taking notice and acting on these new trends, catching up and not giving the impression of being lagging, organizations now choose to offer live video as a normality. In fact, IBM posted that 53% of companies intend to increase their budget for live streaming events, and even executives prefer video to other forms of communication. If your company is looking to venture into these types of events, there are countless options for live video streaming, from free public services to private-level solutions with a greater investment.


As our lives have increasingly moved to online settings, so have the ways we work. The most recent report from the Bureau of Economic Analysis indicates that US-based companies employ 42.3 million workers abroad and the workforce that works from home has tripled in the last 15 years. Even more recently, companies have been forced to quickly adapt to telecommuting setups to keep their employees safe and the business running. With a growing global workforce, unique communication challenges arise (with multiple time zones). When organizations need to keep employees engaged, regardless of their location, there is no better solution than video.

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